Javier Martín
Miembro del Consejo Asesor

Javier Martín joined the Nazca Advisory Committee in 2020. Javier has extensive experience in the business world and has been a director and chief executive of public listed companies in the Information Technology, Telecommunications, Engineering, “Aerospace and Defence” and Professional Services sectors. He currently collaborates in the monitoring of IDP.
What is your experience?
When I finished my studies in Telecommunications Engineering at the “Politécnica de Madrid”, I decided to fund a Network and Systems Engineering Company that I sold to a quoted multinational ten years later (Telindus). After working five years with them, I joined Tecnocom as Managing Director. Tecnocom was then a listed company which acted as a “holding company”. We managed to become one of the largest Spanish multinationals in the Information Technology sector. In 2017, Indra launched a takeover bid for 100% of Tecnocom.
I have also been on the Boards of Directors of other listed and private companies in different sectors.
What do you think makes Nazca different?
The people. In Nazca, besides the financial standpoint, the human component is very important. This is how they manage to get the management teams and the rest of the shareholders of the companies they invest in to be aligned with the value creation objectives which finally results in excellent profitability. This is not a common approach in the Private Equity world.
What motivates you most in working with a management team?
From my experience I have a good understanding of the day to day of the company, so I can help align the capital and the management team. I believe that experience as an executive helps to bring the financial standpoint closer to the daily reality of companies.
What challenges must entrepreneurs take into account when considering incorporating a private equity fund?
Private Equity funds provide a professional vision of the shareholder’s role, which requires a more rigorous management approach. I believe that the presence of a professional investor in the Company helps to adopt habits and manners that contribute to the generation of value, but there is no doubt that for those who are not prepared, it involves an initial effort in many aspects. What I would certainly tell you is that the final result is very positive and enriching.