Nazca purchases a majority shareholding in Guzmán, which invoices 20 million euros per year
The private equity company Nazca Capital reports today that it has acquired a majority shareholding in Guzmán, a company which prepares and distributes gastronomy products for the catering and restaurant sector which invoices 20 million euros per year.
Guzmán currently has a staff of 130 employees, two production and distribution centres in Barcelona and distributors in different parts of the national territory.
With the incorporation of Nazca Capital, Guzmán plans to begin a new phase of activity with the triple objective of enhancing its geographic growth, expanding its range of products and services and strengthening integration with its clients.
Guzmán bases its business model on the adaptation of its services and on the extensive range of import products such as mushrooms, truffles, salts and edible flowers. In turn, in the last two years Nazca has led investments for the amount of 200 million euros in the food, aesthetic service and logistics sectors.