Spanish multinational Phibo incorporates Nazca in its capital to strengthen its growth
Nazca Capital has acquired a shareholding of 55% in Spanish multinational Phibo. This majority shareholding was reached after the purchase of shares and the completion of a capital expansion for a sum of over 12 million euros, subscribed in full by Nazca and the management team of Phibo. The García Sabán brothers, until now the owners of the company, maintain a shareholding of over 40% and will continue to form part of the Management Board of the multinational.
Phibo, founded in 1986, is the leading Spanish company in implantology solutions, the manufacture of CAD-CAM prostheses, and comprehensive solutions for the full digitisation of the dental sector. The company sells its products in over 25 countries and employs 275 workers in two factories, one in Sentmenat del Vallés (Barcelona) and the other in Bogotá (Colombia). Phibo has extensive international presence, its main markets being Southern Europe, Mexico, Colombia and Chile.
Phibo has always been characterised by its innovative vocation, R&D being one of the essential pillars of its strategy, which has placed the company at the technological cutting-edge of the sector. In 2017 Phibo invoiced 32.5 million euros and achieved EBITDA of 6.2 million euros.
Deloitte, Garrigues and PWC advised Nazca in this operation and KPMG and Baker & Mckenzie, advised the sellers.