
Elena Arcos

Financial Controller

Elena Arcos

What’s your experience?

I graduated from the University of Seville in Business Administration. Following graduation, I worked in a family company and learned about small business. Later, I came to Madrid to work in a French company, Engie. I had to possibility of learning from a dynamic environment.

In March, I started working in Nazca.

Why would you say Nazca is different?

From Nazca, I would highlight the professional, familiarity and commitment of the team.  They have an extensive experience in the sector.

The company has a team united towards the same future and goals.

What do you like the most about your job?

I am fortunate to be able to work with great professional team. Not only the possibility of learning from a team of great professionals, but also the opportunity to grow professionally and personally.

What do you do in your free time?

I enjoy my free time with family and friends. I am from Extremadura and when I go home, I enjoy nature and walking in the countryside. Also, I love gastronomy and some weekends, I go to restaurants with my friends.